Friday, 19 April 2013

Question 6/7: What Have You Learnt About Technology & How Do You Feel You Have Progressed From The Preliminary Task?

When you compare my Student Magazine from the preliminary task to my final Front Cover for my Music Magazine, you can tell straight away that I've progressed alot.
Firstly with my pictures, the photo on my Student Magazine is stretched to fit the frame and it's a really average shot, theirs un-needed bits of the wall in the background which makes it look messy and unprofessional and also the pose of the model is a really unconnected shot as it's looks as though it wasn't planned and was taken off guard.
Another thing is that my Headlines are small and they don't stand out at all, the colours of the fonts fade into the background and the photo (although it's suppose to be) is the main focus and it's the only thing that you notice. Altogether the magazine looks rushed and quickly made. After looking back on the finished Student Magazine, it made me more determined to make my Music Magazine front cover look much better.

When you look at my final front cover of the music magazine, you get a more professional feel from it. My picture is well taken, it's edited so the picture pops out at you and the pose is structured so it's shows a connection. My masthead stand's out and looks more like a magazine title than the one on my Student Magazine. All of my Headlines stand out, they're readable and i was able to use many different fonts, but with that make them look good all together on the page. I made the colours all fit together and all together put a professional looking magazine cover, contents and double page spread together. I believe with this i have progressed far from the preliminary task and learnt many skills and techniques that are obviously shown  through the comparison above.

I edited it on Photoshop, which before the Music Magazine task, I'd never used it, but as you can tell from the way my magazine is headlines, masthead and magazine in arranged, my skills in the production of making Photoshop products have increased. I know how to make texts, changing the font and colour of text, change layers and make a magazine look professional through this. This was extremely useful when it came to the creation of my products, i believe i choose the right option to use photoshop to make all my products. I only used Photoshop when it came to all my products, but also from the Student Magazine my ability's in In-design have also risen. Also before this, I wasn't used to using Mac products on anything but the basic Safari and an occasional Word Document but no i know how to work my way around a Mac computer including many of it's featuring like Screen Grabbing.

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