Friday, 19 April 2013

Evaluation Question 2: How Does Your Media Product Represent A Particular Social Group?

When it comes to my coursework pieces, I believe they relate to my genre of K-pop well. After researching into magazines of the K-pop genre that already existed, I took parts from different magazines, and also put in idea’s that already interested me as possibilities for my own creation of a K-pop front cover, contents page and double page spread.

Front Cover:

When it comes to my models on the front cover, they both have the look of a K-pop artist. One of the models is putting Party rings on the other and it makes them look close and playful as though they’re really close as a group.
The mis-en-scene of the cover is just a plain white background, the models are in a cute and playful pose so it makes them stand out, so you know it’s all about them and the look, also it gives a look of purity and makes it more clean.
Everything screams fun, cute and playful, just like the generic music of k-pop is. This is also shown through the clothes, as one girl is wearing a shirt with American Girl on it.
It represents my social group in different ways, it’s all bright and fun which makes it look happy and fits with the usual kind of music that K-pop represents. The fonts on the magazine are mostly bold and outgoing; everything stands out, just like the models on the cover give the impression of.


The picture of the models changes on the contents page. They are both pulling separate poses to each other. I think this shows that although they are close as a band on the front cover, they have personality differences; this is shows through the expressions on their faces. One is stood in a bold pose, looking strong and could give the impression of the hard one in the band, but the second girl is stood looking cute and playful, this fits with the opposites attract saying. Usually the girls in K-pop bands all have a different look, so this represents the social group in that way.

Double Page Spread:

The poses of my two pictures of my models are classic to the style of a k-pop artist, as it’s shows a really close connection, the k-pop girl bands are always shown this way as usually the bands have 5-20 or more girls in the group, so they show more of a connection as it’s only 2 girls. Although it's a bit less outgoing and fun, the colours and pictures are still fitting into the social group. They still look like k-pop artists, and the colours and fonts of the writing all fit together and have the same style of the contents page and front cover. 

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