Thursday, 24 January 2013

Research: Possible Target Audiences.


The genre of Pop music, is one of the most known and most popular genre's in the world. Also it has a large amount of sub genre's that include other well known genre's including Pop-Rock, Country-Pop and Dance-Pop. Pop comes from the word popular, and usually Pop music has infectious tunes and catchy chorus's. Pop is a genre that is liked by all people, and all genders. If I was too choose this genre for my magazine, I'd explore all the different sub genre's and possibly look into the old fashion pop music, coming back to the limelight today. People like Michael Jackson, Madonna and The Beatles are the most know classic people of original Pop music, nowadays the young generation will know Britney Spears, Christina Aguliera and Lady Gaga as big icons of the Pop genre.

Here's two posters for pop music festivals. Both for Bestival. They're both bright and bold, and have funky logo's and icons on them that make it seem as though the festival is something for everyone. You can see it's a more popular genre when you compare the amount of names on the Pop posters to the Country music one.
But they're two very different genre's, appreciated by people from different countries.

If I was too do something to do with pop music, I'd use a sub genre which would be unusual and new to British viewers. 
That would be the genre of 


K-pop is Korean music, Korean pop music, which originated in South Korea, By tapping into social media networks, such as the Bill Board 200 and The New York Times, the ability of K-pop to reach a previously inaccessible audience with the Internet is moving towards more popularity of the genre, for those of us in Britain, only the song Gangnam Style would be recognisable, but as a K-pop listener myself, i'd find this an interesting road to go down.

Here's a poster for a K-pop music festival. It has a simple design and is filled with pictures of who the artists are, showing that it's got many popular acts playing, another thing is the fact it's in sydney shows that the genre is something that has recently become appreciated by many people world wide, people of all ethnicity's, yet for British listeners, it's more likely to be a feminine genre. 


Country music is a very uncommon genre of music when it comes to British people, as it's more of a common thing in America, where the genre originated in 1920
Stereotypically country music is believed to only be listened to by hill-billy's, an old term used before the 1940's, but the term of country has evolved and with it's many sub-genre's has become a very popular appreciated type of music. In it's prime, country would have been a genre that was most common with older men and woman, but with the style's being twisted with artists such as Taylor Swift, Shania Twain and Miley Cyrus bringing in their combinations of pop and country, it's become a much more popular genre with the younger generation. I'd talk about both the country and modern twists on the genre if I was too choice this as my magazine theme.

Here are a couple of Country Music Festival Posters, you really get the feel that country music has a fondness for the outdoors, with the light blue sky background on one and the dirt road sundown of the other. It's also a simple design, as unlike most bands in genre's of rock, metal and other popular music genre's the artists and bands are written in a simple black font, where as other bands usually have a logo of a sort.

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